Archive for Attitude

Unleash your inner awesomeness

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on March 27, 2009 by acupunkyoga

I work very hard on maintaining a positive attitude and ignoring all forms of popular media. Still, I hear things from people around town, since I have my ear to the ground. As an acupuncturist and yoga teacher people reveal to me many of their more intimate details: their worries and concerns, fears and doubts. Over the years I’ve learned a few things from these glimpses into so many souls: People are awesome. Which is surprising since there seem to be so many jerks on the road. (George Carlin observed that if some one drives faster than you they are a maniac and if they drive slower they’re an a******).  Another thing I’ve learned is that people are wily. Those who are challenged by life seem to rise to the challenge with incredible inventiveness and tenacity.

I won’t lie to you, times have been tough for me. I won’t go into too much boring detail, but I guess there’s this whole economy thing that has people freakin’ out and everyone says that’s why lots of people around town are having a tough time too. With my ear to the ground I hear some sad tales. Like many others some of my hopes and dreams have died while others have been postponed. A couple of days ago I thought, maybe the Buddhists are right, maybe life is suffering…

 But you know what?!? I have way too good of a time to believe that, even in tough times. Regardless, of my circumstance I have a real good time doing what I do, and I feel damn good in this bag of skin, aches and pains and all. The bleaker things get, the more I loose, the freer I seem to feel to fully unleash my inner awesomeness and re-create myself and my circumstances.

Most of all, I’m surrounded by a whole lotta love and this seems to be getting me outta the funk and back to being an acupunk.